Employee Spotlight-Dan Royer

Giving back to our customers is what defines us and being an employee at DoALL Sawing Products is all about that. Shout out to Dan Royer who has been working with us for the last 3 years.
We are really proud of his work as a Regional Sales Manager responsible for the Western Region which includes Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California. Dan received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA where he was Student Body President and captain of the baseball team. He still loves sports and the competition that comes with it. In his own words, "I love any activity that includes a ball… no matter if you throw it, catch it, hit it, kick it, shoot it, serve it, or putt it!"
What's really been a model for the company is his passion for doing the right thing for customers, distributors and for DoALL itself. One of the aspects of his work that puts a smile on his face is that whenever a company is considering a new sawing product, it most often is a reflection of a growth position for that company and all of its employees. It’s a great pleasure to join with them in their business expansion.
What's more, Dan has a noticeable ability to communicate at any level and develop relationships. He’s mentioned that his feelings of greatest accomplishment seem to come when customers eventually turn into friends. According to him, "building relationships and the confidence and comradery that come with it, whether it’s with clients, or with fellow employees — makes it all worthwhile. As a side note, one of the best pieces of advice he says he was given is…
“When in negotiations, make sure the lines on your forehead run horizontal… not vertical.”
Once you let that sink in, it’s pretty good advice for us all.
We at DoALL feel fortunate to have Dan using his experience and skills as part of our team and look forward to his continued inspiration to the whole DoALL family.